Welcome to Training on Sustainability Indicators
Nesta formação, vamos explorar o mundo da sustentabilidade e entender como as empresas estão adotando práticas ambientais, sociais e de governança (ESG, na sigla em inglês) para impulsionar uma transformação positiva em suas operações. De sopa de letrinhas a Sustentabilidade, mergulharemos em um universo repleto de standards, frameworks e ratings ESG.
Training objectives
The objective of this training is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the ESG world, demystifying the acronyms and concepts frequently used in this area. At the end of the training, you will have a solid understanding of the most relevant ESG standards, frameworks and ratings, allowing for better analysis and decision-making related to corporate sustainability. Get ready to dive into this fascinating universe and discover how companies can drive positive changes towards a more sustainable future.
This program is aimed at professionals from different areas of companies, such as human resources, finance, legal, and socio-environmental management.
It is also suitable for business consultants and individuals interested in the Sustainability and Social Responsibility agenda, who seek to boost their careers towards a more sustainable future.
Digital Certificate of Completion of Training
Upon completing our training, you will be entitled to receive the prestigious Open Badges, a technological solution supported by our partners in the Lisbon City Council's LCA network.
Digital badges function as standard digital certificates to recognize your achievement.
This is a powerful tool to motivate, recognize and validate your achievements, contributing to deeper self-knowledge and highlighting your skills in a tangible way.
By issuing these medals, you will be able to share your achievements on social networks, blogs and electronic portfolios, providing a flexible and reliable way of recognizing learning obtained in different educational and professional contexts.

General information
€300 with VAT
Live classes recorded for unlimited access for up to 3 months via the E-learning Platform.
Materials available on the platform to download in PDF.
Faça parte de um grupo de alunos para fazer networking e tirar dúvida.
Professores com mais de 20 anos de experiência em gestão ambiental e sustentabilidade