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Data: 24, 25, 31 de Março e 01 de Abril de 2025

Hora: 19 às 21h30

10 horas de Formação

Online e ao vivo


Welcome to Sustainability Reporting Training - Global Reporting Initiative GRI and IRFS

Modality: Synchronous Distance Learning (EaD)


Welcome to our Sustainability Reporting course!


In this program, we will explore the essential foundations for creating robust and impactful reports on sustainable practices in organizations.

Throughout this course, we will delve into best practices, methodologies and global standards that guide the creation of reports that not only meet regulatory requirements, but also clearly and effectively communicate companies' commitment and performance towards sustainability.


Prepare to acquire the skills you need to conduct a comprehensive analysis, identify key metrics, and tell your organization's sustainability story in an authentic and impactful way.

We are excited to have you join us on this journey towards a more responsible and transparent business practice

Objetivos da Formação


• Familiarize participants with essential ESG and sustainability tools and metrics.


• Train managers, leaders and professionals to meet new market and regulatory demands, integrating these tools into corporate strategy.


• Facilitate the practical application of tools in the daily lives of organizations.


• Promote a learning environment conducive to the development of sustainable business models.


• Demonstrate how sustainability and ESG metrics, indicators and tools can improve the assessment of organizations.


• Encourage reflection on the challenges and opportunities in preparing sustainability and ESG reports.



This program is aimed at professionals from different areas of companies, such as human resources, finance, legal, and socio-environmental management.

It is also suitable for business consultants and individuals interested in the Sustainability and Social Responsibility agenda, who seek to boost their careers towards a more sustainable future.



A metodologia do curso enfatiza a participação ativa dos alunos, com aulas dialogadas e uso de metodologias ativas como brainstorming, discussões em grupo e exercícios práticos. Serão apresentados casos e exemplos reais para ilustrar os conceitos discutidos, permitindo uma compreensão mais profunda e prática da gestão sustentável. Além disso, serão trazidos casos e exemplos reais de relatórios de sustentabilidade e práticas empresariais, permitindo aos participantes uma compreensão mais profunda dos desafios e oportunidades enfrentados pelas organizações no contexto atual.

Course Modules



Digital Certificate of Completion of Training

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Upon completing our training, you will be entitled to receive the prestigious Open Badges, a technological solution supported by our partners in the Lisbon City Council's LCA network.

Digital badges function as standard digital certificates to recognize your achievement.

This is a powerful tool to motivate, recognize and validate your achievements, contributing to deeper self-knowledge and highlighting your skills in a tangible way.

By issuing these medals, you will be able to share your achievements on social networks, blogs and electronic portfolios, providing a flexible and reliable way of recognizing learning obtained in different educational and professional contexts.

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SEHR Model - Microcertificate Template

Informações gerais


€300 with VAT


Live classes recorded for unlimited access for up to 3 months via the E-learning Platform.


Be part of a group of students to network and ask questions.


Materials available on the platform to download in PDF.


Teachers with over 20 years of experience in environmental management and sustainability

Contact SEHR via whatsapp, it will be a pleasure to assist you

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